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Floral Collage & Florotypes

Elzbieta Wodala

Wroclaw, Poland

Home: Witaj

About me


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Being continuously inspired and surprised by the nature I keep using its richness in my creative works.



I have been pursuing my passion of making leaves and flower petals compositions since 2004 and developed my own style: full of womanly delicacy, peacefulness and opt-imism - according to opinions of people who have seen my works.



I am a graduate of the Faculty of Informatics and Management at the Wroclaw University of Technology. I used to work a few years in the data center then 20 years in banking. I didn’t work in my profession for a number of years, therefore I’m devoted to my creativity only.


Original works I transform into artistic digital graphics ( named FLOROTYPES ) which are made in large-formats, printed on canvas as well.


To date I’ve created 250 artistic compositions that can be classified into such topics as: Collection of dream dresses, Art Nouveau Ladies, Emotions and moods, Leafy haute couture (i.e. ambitious tailoring), Fairy-tale characters, Gardens, Dancers, Birds, Musical Inspirations, Inspirations Japanese, Parisian sisters, Romantic landscapes, Magical places, Portraits and Noble Portraits, Madonna, Angels and Ballet dancer.


My works have been presented for 62 exhibitions and 40 meetings with an audience in Poland. I combine presentations of works with encouraging everyone to try their hand at the art.


I illustrated 4 Polish books of poetry and cooperated with some Polish and foreign magazines like: a German magazine HAPPINEZ, a South-Korean magazine SCIENCE DONGA, an Esperanto magazine "Juna Amiko".


My original works took the first place twice in the national competition "Annex of Artistic Creativity" in NamysÅ‚ów, while the three large-format florotypes - in 2016 received the third place in the graphics category. In 2017, these three works were qualified to the second stage of the international Arte Laguna Prize competition in Venice in the category of digital graphics - in a group of 17 artists from different countries.


An original floral collage "Nordic Walking" was presented in 2018 at the Shanghai International Pressed Flower Art Exhibition  at the Shanghai Botanical Garden and at the Shanghai Tangzhen Art Center.


My miniature entitled "Emilka Chopin" was received by the Fryderyk Chopin Institute in Warsaw as a donation to the collection of Chopin iconography as an element of the broadly understood heritage of Fryderyk Chopin.


Two florotypes were used in 2019 by Oxford University Press in Hong Kong as illustrations in integrated materials for pre-school students and their teachers.


In 2019 a floral collage entitled "Manuela de Lisboa" received a special prize at the International Pressed Flower Art Competition 2019 in South Korea. Then this work was presented on the Shanghai International Pressed Flower Art Exhibition at the Shanghai Botanical Garden.


Also this year, a floral collage entitled "Zosia" - showing the heroine of the Polish epic - was accepted as a gift by the Pan Tadeusz Museum in Wrocław.

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The first moment starting a new composition is always the admiration for the extraordinary beauty of a leaf, petal, fancifully intertwined shoots, all grains and other fascinating parts of plants. The texture, shape and color of a single or several of such inspiring elements arranged side by side cause associations that are the beginning of the idea, theme and visual convention of the image. Then I patiently review my collections of leaves and petals, and select them in accordance with this invented convention. I reject what is unnecessary so that the end result is legible and nothing introduces dissonance.


Although I use contrasts and opposites in color, texture and shape, my goal is to achieve harmony between these elements. On the other hand - I am interested in people, their experiences, movement, dress, grace in dance ... I also like that the real and unreal characters I created experience their emotions, that some mysterious relations occur between them, that the artworks also contain some wit.


In summary, the natural beauty of plants is the added value of my work.


Elzbieta Wodala

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The copyright for all works published on this website is reserved by Elżbieta Wodała.
The published materials may not be copied, reproduced, published or used in any way without my written consent.
© Elżbieta WodaÅ‚a 2021

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